Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Grade 8 - Robotic Sumo Competition - June 3 - 7

Robotics Sumo Competition is Next Week

To all  EVEN section 8th grade students.

The Robotics Sumo Competition will occur next week. June 3 - 7. The competition will have each section compete to determine a winner. Then each winner will compete in the EVEN finals to meet the ODD section winner.

If you have any questions, please speak with your teacher on getting the help you need.

Grade 7 - Computer Number Systems

To all EVEN section 7th graders

All students should be through the 3 Computer Number Systems worksheets.

They include:

Decimal to Binary
Decimal to Octal
Decimal to Hexadecimal

All work sheets AND STEP 3 of the Design Process must be completed before moving on to the CO2 dragster project.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Grade 7 - Design Process Testing Results

To all EVEN section 7th grade students:

Testing is underway. We've seen many different design ideas leading to many students being amazed at their excellent results. Below are some of the student's ideas so far.