Monday, November 27, 2017

Grade 6 - Structural Design

To all EVEN section students

 Using newly acquired knowledge students design their bridge through a set of rough draft drawings and a final drawing which will be used as a template for their project.

The Engineering Design Process is used for this project which involves designing, building, and testing a structure, in this case a Balsawood Bridge. A major area of focus is on the structures overall efficiency. Concepts such as Tension, Torsion, Sheer and Compression are considered when deigning the structures.

The nature of this project involves the use of sharp objects and cutting tools. Students are also evaluated on how they follow classroom safety procedures.  Key points which are stressed to all students are:

1) Focusing on the task at hand.

2) Displaying proper use of cutting tools.

3) Work area is kept clean.

4) Listening and follow teacher’s daily instructional plan.

Final Product is a Balsawood Bridge which students take home.